Aquagym: learn about this sport and its benefits


Performing physical activity in an aquatic environment offers a perfect opportunity to stay fit and active. It is important to note that swimming is not the only option available. If you're getting tired of swimming and thinking about eliminating the pool from your exercise routine, we encourage you to explore the advantages of aquagym.

In this article we are going to tell you everything you need to know about aquagym, its advantages and some of the frequently asked questions that people who practice it usually ask.

What is aquagym

benefits of aquagym

The practice of aquagym consists of performing a physical activity within an aquatic environment. Typically, this is done in a pool with a water temperature of approximately 27-28ºC, ensuring a pleasurable experience upon immersion and throughout the training session.

Aquagym sessions offer a wide range of exercises that can be performed in the water, working all muscle groups through repetitive movements. The unique attributes of this activity classify it as aqua gymnastics, which is also known as aqua fitness or aqua aerobics.

Aquagym classes are generally held in groups and are guided by an expert instructor who adapts the exercises to the age and physical abilities of the participants. These exercises can incorporate various pool equipment such as noodles, kickboards, weights, and more.

Advantages of practicing aquagym

aquatic fitness

If you have considered trying aquagym, you may have heard about the incredible sensations and enjoyment it brings. However, beyond the recreational aspect of practicing group sports, aquagym offers numerous benefits for both physical and mental well-being.

Favors weight loss

When you perform physical activity in water, you face the resistance of the aquatic environment, which results in a higher level of exercise intensity. This, in turn, It makes the heart work harder and increases calorie burning. While it may not be the most effective exercise for burning calories, aquagym is widely considered an excellent activity for people who want to lose weight.

Stimulates blood flow

During an aquatic fitness class, the movement of the water creates a relaxing sensation that permeates the entire body, promoting blood flow and offering numerous benefits. The most notable effect of this water-induced movement is its ability to relieve fluid retention. Consequently, it is widely considered one of the most effective workouts to prevent or reduce cellulite and other conditions related to poor circulation.

Improves muscle definition

The main objective of aquagym sessions is to exercise and strengthen all the muscles of the body. By participating in these sessions, people can effectively focus and develop their entire muscular system.

Improves adaptability

When you are submerged in water, your body experiences a decrease in weight, allowing you to maneuver more easily. Additionally, floating in water expands the flexibility of your joints, giving them a greater range of motion in all directions.

Fight joint problems

Ideal for people with osteoarthritis and similar joint problems, As well as for those recovering from injuries, this activity, like swimming, is highly recommended. By facilitating movement, it improves strength and flexibility while relieving pressure on joints.

Helps recover from injuries

Engaging in this particular activity is widely considered to be an optimal option during periods of injury. The ability to modify exercises and eliminate any impact greatly assists in the recovery process, allowing individuals to continue building muscle strength and improving endurance with minimal risk of exacerbating their injuries. However, It is essential to obtain a doctor's approval and perform the exercises under the direction of a qualified instructor.

Improves feelings of happiness and satisfaction

Regular moderate physical activity is widely considered to be essential to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, as it offers numerous physical and mental benefits. In the context of aquagym, we not only obtain the benefits of exercise but also enjoy the calming effects of water and the socialization and laughter that come with group activitieseither. Consequently, participating in an aquagym session not only strengthens our muscles but also improves our mental well-being.

Pregnant women can practice it

During pregnancy, a woman experiences rapid physical transformations that can cause discomfort such as back pain and heavy legs. Aquagym, with its numerous advantages, is an excellent option for future mothers mitigate and prevent problems such as fluid retention and weight-related pain. However, it is essential to consult with a healthcare professional before undertaking any exercise regimen, including aquagym, during pregnancy.

Suitable for people of all age groups

Aquagym offers the perfect aquatic activity for people of all ages as it can be adapted to meet each person's specific needs and abilities. Whether you are young or old, everyone can reap the benefits of aquagym, as long as the right precautions are taken.

Frequently asked questions about aquagym

advantages of aquagym

What is the amount of calories burned during an aquagym class?

The number of calories burned during a session may vary. On average, it is estimated that a medium intensity aquagym class It can help you burn around 500 calories.

What specific activities or exercises do you usually focus on?

Sessions cover a wide range of activities such as dance moves, aerobics, weight work and martial arts, making it a comprehensive group activity. As a result, Each session offers a varied workout that targets all muscle groups.

Which is the best option: aquagym or traditional gym workouts?

There seems to be no distinction between an aquagym class and a regular gym class, as the former can cover all of the exercises in the latter. However, the act of exercising in water requires a higher level of effort due to the greater resistance that the aquatic environment provides compared to air.

I hope that with this information you can learn more about the benefits of aquagym.