In recent months we are noticing an evolution in the way of training. We want routines that radically activate our metabolism, in a short period of time and from which we leave with sky-high adrenaline. Being in shape is the dream of most, but not in any way. Today we teach you what Metcon training is, why you are interested in doing it, and we teach you some routines.
What is Metcon training?
If you're looking for a workout that will jump-start your metabolism, you've come to the right place. Metcon comes from the abbreviation of “metabolic conditioning", that is to say "metabolic conditioning”. And this means? This type of training aims to improve the activation of the metabolism, your physical condition and, therefore, your general health.
Many may confuse it with training HIIT (high intensity intervals), but the truth is that it is only one of the ways we have to achieve a Metcon training. There are numerous types of Metcon that we will explain to you later.
Basically, this type of training has as a priority to improve muscle performance and the way our body controls energy. When performing a high-intensity exercise, the metabolism is activated and we expend the maximum possible energy in a short time, due to the explosiveness of the work. So, in a way, in the Metcon energy expenditure is put before developing capacities such as resistance or strength.
It is 100% recommended if you want to improve your body composition, your physical condition, increase muscle mass and lose fat.
Being routines based on time control to measure the execution of each exercise in detail, it is important to have a coach or partner to monitor that speed without neglecting the technique. Remember that you should always reduce the risk of injury.
What types of Metcon are there?
Any training of this type is responsible for performing full-body routines, with multi-joint exercises and playing with your own weight. The more muscle groups we exercise at the same time, the greater the caloric and energy expenditure.
The most common and best known are:
- Tabata. I'm sure you've ever worked with this type of routine. It is training with high intensity intervals, each of 20 seconds and with 10 second breaks. It is about performing 8 different exercises for 4 minutes, under those time intervals. With this type of Metcon we will improve body composition while developing strength and flexibility.
- EMOM. "Every minute on the minute”. In this routine we will choose a circuit and a total time to complete it. We have to play to perform as many repetitions as possible until time runs out.
- AMRAP. This training has the objective of performing the greatest possible number of rounds of a set of exercises, during a certain time. For example: in a total of 30 minutes, we have to do as many rounds of 10 squats, 10 push-ups, 10 burpees and 10 pull-ups.
- Gillens. This type of Metcon is also perfect for losing body fat. We will have to perform 10 series of one minute, at 90% of your heart rate, taking a one-minute break between each series (it is advisable to use a heart rate monitor). In total we have to get 19 minutes of training. Did someone say you didn't have time to get in shape?
- Wingate. Finally, in these resistance routines, 4/5/6 series of 30 seconds are performed at maximum intensity. In this case, 4-minute breaks are made between each series in order to give 100% in the next round.
Is there any relationship with CrossFit?
It is true that many will find these types of training with the WODs that are carried out in CrossFit perishing. And nothing could be further from the truth, because in this sport they are also based on Metcon training. They are the hardest to perform, even though you do them with your own weight. As we told you before, the high intensity and working several muscle groups at the same time will make you leave fatigued and with full adrenaline.
When we perform exercises that combine the work of the lower body with the upper body, energy expenditure increases and we will increase our strength and muscle mass. The exercises that you can include are: push-ups, pull-ups, squats, burpees, box jumps, climbers...
It is not necessary to add weight, but you can use sports equipment such as elastic bands, TRX, kettlebells, medicine ball, sandbags, etc.
Examples of Metcon routines
If you've been wanting to introduce any kind of Metcon routine into your weekly workouts, here are some ideas to inspire you.
Routine 1
- Total time: 30 minutes
- Exercises: climber, squats, burpees, push-ups, sprints
- Round Duration: 40 seconds on, 20 seconds off. 1:20' at the end of each round
- Rounds: 5
Routine 2
- Total time: it will depend on your speed in doing them.
- Exercises: run 400 meters, 30 wall ball, 30 box jumps
- Rounds: 5
Routine 3
- Total time: 30 minutes
- Exercises: 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 squats
- Rounds: as many as possible in the total time determined.