What proteins help gain muscle mass?

Protein shake

The advantages of consuming protein in order to gain muscle are numerous. Increased muscle mass can be facilitated by the consumption of protein supplements. However, it must be emphasized that these supplements are not a miracle solution, but rather a complement to a healthy and active lifestyle. It is mandatory to maintain a well-balanced, low-fat diet and engage in regular physical exercise, including both cardiovascular exercises and strength training. Many people wonder what proteins help gain muscle mass.

Therefore, in this article we explain which proteins help you gain muscle mass and what possible errors you may have in your plan.

Benefits of consuming protein

protein shake

It is important to recognize that external protein consumption serves as a complement, an improvement to an already healthy and active lifestyle. Relying solely on this product will not produce the desired results. Rather, its purpose is to help achieve more noticeable and efficient definition and toning compared to traditional methods.

Major protein sources include soy, eggs, and whey. When it comes to determining the optimal source of protein for muscle gain, it's important to consider three very popular options: soy, egg, and whey. Among these options, whey stands out as being especially effective due to its high biological value derived from milk.

However, it is important to consider several factors when selecting the optimal protein, as each individual's needs and preferences may vary.

Recommended types of protein include soy, whey, and eggs as they are known to provide a substantial amount of protein and essential nutrients. Among these options, Milk is preferred by most, with approximately 90% of people opting for this variety.

When purchasing a protein supplement, it is essential to take into account its nutritional value. In addition to the protein content, it is important to take into account the levels of carbohydrates and other additional substances. It should be noted that supplements containing creatine are a favorable option, as it is the second most recommended supplement for muscle growth.

When selecting supplements, consider the flavor options available. These supplements are usually enhanced with various flavors to make them more palatable and easier to consume. It is essential to choose a flavor that you like to ensure that you remain consistent with your intake. Many athletes prefer to start with chocolate-flavored supplements because they find it more pleasant.

How to incorporate more protein into your diet


After knowing what the optimal protein is for muscle growth, it's time to explore how you can incorporate it into your diet. To ensure that this dietary supplement promotes muscle development while maintaining your health, there are some fundamental factors that you should take into account.

To effectively develop and improve muscle mass, It is advisable to incorporate a protein intake that ranges between 1.8 and 2 grams per kilogram of body weight. For example, if you weigh 60 kilos, you will need a maximum of 120 grams of pure protein per day in your diet. However, achieving this amount through food alone can be challenging, which is why many athletes turn to supplements to achieve stronger muscles.

To maximize muscle growth, an effective method is to incorporate protein shakes into your routine. These shakes usually come in powder form, allowing for easy dissolution in water or skim milk. It is important to note that each shake should not exceed 30 grams of protein, since our body cannot completely absorb a larger amount at once. If you want to consume several shakes in one day, it is recommended to space them with a minimum of 3 hours between each intake.

If you're looking to build muscle, an optimal time to consume protein is within half an hour of your workout. During this period, your body is in a state of hypertrophy, allowing for more efficient absorption of the proteins you consume. However, If you prefer to drink two protein shakes a day, you can have the first one in the morning with breakfast.

Failures when gaining muscle

What proteins help gain muscle mass?

Despite following a nutritious diet and maintaining a consistent exercise routine, numerous people struggle to achieve the desired muscle tone in their bodies. Why did this happened? Several factors can impede muscle growth, resulting in a lack of physical transformation.

While it is essential to maintain a healthy diet and limit fat intake, it is equally important to provide our body with the calories necessary to train. If our goal is to develop muscle, we must stay away from excessively low-calorie diets since they make it difficult to gain weight. It is not necessary to overeat, but it is not advisable to opt for diets that restrict caloric intake.

Eating multiple meals is an effective practice that promotes overall health. However, it is not necessary to eat a total of 8 times a day. Instead, it is advisable to eat approximately 5 or 6 small meals, taking into account the specific times in which we consume them.

Excessive consumption of healthy fats should be avoided in a well-balanced diet. Although incorporating healthy fats into our meals is beneficial for muscle development and maintaining The proper functioning of the cardiovascular system is still very caloric and fat-rich foods.

One of the most frequent errors is that the amount of protein is not enough. Many people tend to consume insufficient amounts of protein in their regular diet. Therefore, we recommend incorporating more protein-rich foods into your meals. Additionally, you may consider incorporating protein supplements into your routine to ensure your protein needs are met.

A common mistake people looking to build muscle make is neglecting cardiovascular training. However, this is a mistake. The optimal fitness regimen incorporates cardiovascular and toning exercises. In fact, It is advisable to dedicate approximately 15 to 20 minutes to cardiovascular activities to burn fat effectively while maintaining muscle mass.

It is essential to understand the importance of water in the diet when it comes to muscle hydration. To ensure optimal muscle tone, it is recommended to consume 2 liters of water per day. However, it is essential not to exceed this amount as it can cause fluid retention.

I hope that with these tips you can learn more about which proteins help you gain muscle mass and what errors you may be having.