Types of tea and what each one is suitable for


Tea is a very famous drink all over the world. There are multiple varieties of tea and each of them is obtained in a different way and has unique properties. They are a healthy alternative to sugary soft drinks to drink between meals or as a snack.

In this article we are going to tell you what are the different types of tea and what they are suitable for each one of them.

Types of tea and what they are suitable for

types of tea that exist

Black tea

The oxidation process of black tea is taken to its maximum, resulting in a richly dark color and an intensified flavor and aroma that distinguishes it from other teas. Throughout its process, this particular type of tea has diligently adhered to each stage, ensuring that none have been overlooked, maintaining the final result.

The dried strands of black tea are distinguished by their deep and aged appearance. Black tea is distinguished from other tea varieties by its unique ability to maintain its flavor for an extended period of time. The different properties of black tea contribute to this exceptional characteristic.

Among the properties of black tea we have the following:

  • The caffeine content of this product ranges between 2% and 4%.
  • This particular substance is abundant in polyphenols, which are a specific type of antioxidant that provides numerous health benefits.
  • This product offers essential vitamins B2, C and E for optimal health benefits.
  • The inclusion of fluoride in this product helps prevent cavities and oral diseases.
  • The presence of phytochemicals in this substance helps safeguard the body and maintain optimal bone resistance.
  • The presence of flavonoids in it contributes to a lower likelihood of heart attacks.

Red tea

Red tea

Red tea comes from the southwestern region of the country where it is grown. Its distinctive sweetness sets it apart from other varieties. This type of tea goes through a fermentation process that can last between two and sixty years, similar to the aging of wine. As with wine, The different vintages are distinguished based on their aroma and the quality of the harvest. It is usually stored in the form of bricks or cakes, and it is believed that the older the tea, the higher its quality. Consequently, the oldest vintages are not only the most sought after, but also have the highest prices.

Red tea, derived from the leaves of mature trees, has a unique chemical composition compared to the leaves of younger trees, which are typically preferred for the production of other types of tea.

These are the properties of red tea:

  • It is packed with essential vitamins B, C and D.
  • It has essential minerals such as magnesium, potassium, iodine, zinc and fluoride.
  • It has a high concentration of polyphenols, known for their antioxidant properties.
  • Containing theophylline, it offers help in the control of respiratory conditions such as asthma and bronchitis.
  • There is a low concentration of caffeine present.
  • Red tea has diuretic, digestive and detoxifying qualities that, when combined with green tea, make it the perfect companion for people looking to lose weight and integrate it into their dietary regimen.

Green Tea

The tea known as green tea goes through a unique process that prevents oxidation. When the leaves are picked, they are exposed to heat, which stops them from wilting and prevents them from undergoing the typical development seen in other teas. For this particular type of tea, only the fresh leaves from the top of the plant are used.

The color of this plant remains vibrant and green, especially in certain variations, while its flavor is characterized by a subtle flavor that carries bitter and astringent touches.

The regenerative qualities of green tea are what make it most valued. The attributes that green tea possesses Packed with a significant amount of L-theanine, this substance effectively improves cognitive function. A small amount of caffeine is also present in its composition. Offers essential minerals such as iron, potassium and calcium.

Product It contains essential nutrients such as vitamins B and C, along with beneficial compounds such as tannins and folic acid.

White tea

types of tea

White tea is a type of tea that undergoes minimal processing. Its name comes from the fine whitish hairs that cover the youngest and most delicate leaves of the tea plant, which are carefully selected for this purpose. After harvest, These tender buds are left to wither and dry in the sun, effectively stopping the oxidation process.

White tea produces a pale yellow brew with a subtle flavor, but has the same amount of beneficial properties compared to other teas, making it an ideal choice for those with a delicate palate. The properties of white tea are the following:

  • White tea stands out for its exceptional concentration of catechins, surpassing all other tea varieties, due to its unique production process where oxidation stops immediately after harvesting. Only the youngest and best leaves are used. Green tea is highly valued for its abundant antioxidants.
  • It has vitamin C and vitamin E.
  • It has antibacterial and fluoride properties.

blue tea

Oolong tea, commonly known as blue tea, falls into the category of semi-oxidized teas. Located between green tea, which does not undergo oxidation, and black tea, which undergoes complete oxidation, blue tea allows for gentle oxidation of the leaves before heat is applied to stop the process. This partial oxidation results in leaves that have a grayish hue with subtle blue touches, hence the name that distinguishes this particular variety of tea.

Flavor-wise, this tea is clear and more like green tea than black tea, but lacks the herbal notes commonly found in green tea. When it comes to blue tea, it is essential to distinguish between different varieties, since the level of oxidation, which can vary from 15% to 80%, it directly impacts the chemical properties of the tea leaf.

These are some of the properties of blue tea:

  • It contains a significant amount of antioxidants and various beneficial properties that promote good health.
  • It has a rich combination of essential vitamins, including A, B, C and E.
  • Contains tannins.
  • With only a small amount of caffeine and L-theanine, it contains a balanced combination.
  • When it comes to blue tea, the amount of catechins present can vary depending on the specific type we choose to drink. Less oxidized teas tend to contain a higher concentration of catechins compared to darker varieties.
  • It has essential minerals such as fluoride, manganese, zinc and beta-carotene.

I hope that with this information you can learn more about the types of tea and what each one is suitable for.