Fruit smoothie recipes

natural shakes

Smoothies are a versatile and convenient solution for various situations. Whether it's beating the heat, recovering from a workout, or encouraging your kids to eat more fruit, smoothies come to the rescue. With their vibrant colors and simple preparation, they can be enjoyed at any time of the day, whether for breakfast, lunch, snack or even dinner.

In this article we are going to show you some of the best fruit smoothie recipes.

The best fruit smoothie recipes

fruit smoothie recipes

There is often curiosity about which are the best fruits to use when making smoothies. The possibilities are endless, as any combination of fruits can be used. The key factor to consider is making sure the fruit is ripe and in season.

When comparing juice to a smoothie, the key distinction is that the former involves extracting liquid from the fruit, while the latter incorporates ingredients such as milk, cream or yogurt. For a well-balanced shake, it is advisable to maintain the following proportions: 250 grams of fruit, 3 tablespoons of sugar and half a liter of dairy.

The freshness of smoothie recipes can be modified depending on the level of sweetness or acidity of the fruit, individual preferences, and the desired consistency, whether thinner or thicker.

Orange and chocolate smoothie

A combination of half a banana, 100 grams of chocolate powder, half an orange, orange marmalade and 250 ml of milk.

To create a mixture that is delicious and visually appealing, start by diluting the jam in hot water. Next, add half a peeled and sliced ​​banana, along with the chocolate and milk. Combine all of these ingredients in a blender and mix well until well combined. To give it an extra touch of elegance, cut the orange into thin pieces without removing the peel and use them to decorate each glass.

Melon Smoothie

Combine 250 grams of melon with two tablespoons of honey and 300 ml of sparkling water and strawberries.

Start by removing the skin and seeds from the melon, then proceed to chop it into small pieces. Combine the chopped melon with the rest of the ingredients, excluding the strawberries. The resulting mixture will have a deliciously creamy texture. Finally, add a finishing touch by garnishing with strawberries or currants.

Peach Smoothie

A combination of 350 grams of peaches, 750 grams of milk and 100 grams of crushed ice.

Cut the peaches into cubes after removing the stone and peeling them. Combine them with the remaining two ingredients in a blender and blend until well combined. Optional: sweeten with a small amount of sugar according to your preference.

Soy and banana smoothie

This dessert is not only nutritious but also suitable for people who are lactose intolerant or who follow a vegan lifestyle, since we replace cow's milk with soy milk. Combine 1 liter of soy milk with 4 bananas and a pinch of cinnamon.

Start by peeling the bananas and slicing them before adding them to the blender. Next, she pours in the milk and sprinkles a little cinnamon, making sure to mix everything together. Once this is done, refrigerate the mixture until it is perfectly cold. Serve only when it reaches the desired cold level.

To give it a touch of freshness, you can decorate with a few sprigs of mint. If soy milk is not your preference, you can use alternatives such as cow's milk, almond milk, or rice milk.

Blackberry and fresh cheese smoothie

blueberry smoothie

To make this delicious dessert, you need half a kilo of frozen blackberries, 150 ml of heavy cream, 300 ml of milk, 75 grams of sugar, 100 grams of cream cheese and 50 grams of condensed milk.

Let the berries thaw naturally at room temperature, then transfer them to the blender along with the sugar, ensuring they are blended well. Strain the mixture and refrigerate until cold.

Beat the freshly made cheese together with the condensed milk until achieving a smooth consistency, and then proceed to separate the cream from the milk. Combine all the ingredients and let them rest.

Coconut and pineapple smoothie

Combine 200 grams of coconut, 600 grams of pineapple and 4 ice cubes.

Start by washing the pineapple well and cutting it into manageable pieces. She combines grated coconut with pineapple cubes. Blend the ingredients for a few minutes until you obtain a consistent mixture. For an extra touch, garnish the glasses with thinly sliced ​​pineapple and a sprinkle of coconut on top.

Chocolate and banana smoothie

You will need one ripe banana, three tablespoons of cocoa powder, half a liter of milk, six tablespoons of brown sugar and a splash of chocolate syrup.

Start by peeling and cutting the banana into cubes. Combine with remaining ingredients (excluding syrup) in blender. Blend the mixture well until it forms a smooth and consistent cream. Pour the mixture into glasses and refrigerate until it reaches a refreshingly cold temperature. Just before serving, drizzle a small amount of chocolate syrup over the top.

Strawberry milkshake

To make this recipe You will need 400 grams of strawberries, 100 grams of sugar, 1 liter of milk and a few drops of cider vinegar.

Start by washing the strawberries well and then proceed to cut them into quarters. Combine the strawberries with a mixture of sugar and vinegar. Let the mixture cool in the refrigerator for thirty minutes. After the allotted time, combine the strawberries with the milk and beat vigorously until a creamy consistency is achieved.

Tropical fruit smoothie

refreshing smoothies

To create this recipe You will need one papaya, the juice of one orange, eighteen passion fruits, 180 ml of cream, two sheets of gelatin and 300 ml of milk.

Start by cutting the papaya into two halves and discarding the seeds. He uses a spoon to scoop out the pulp, creating space to add the orange juice. Extract the pulp of the passion fruit and combine it with the papaya puree.

In a saucepan, combine the sugar and milk and gently heat the mixture without boiling. Let it rest and then add the gelatin sheets that you have soaked in cold water. Chill the mixture in the refrigerator. Whip the cream and add it to the milk and then add the fruit mixture. Remember to serve the dessert very cold.

I hope that with this information you can learn more about some of the best fruit smoothie recipes.