Foods rich in vegetable fats

foods rich in vegetable fats

In the field of nutrition, there are numerous misconceptions about which foods are beneficial and which are not. One area that often causes uncertainty when designing a healthy eating plan is fats. The question arises whether vegetable fats outperform those derived from animals, since the latter have been associated with increased susceptibility to disease and what foods are rich in healthy vegetable fats.

In this article we are going to tell you which foods are rich in vegetable fats, their characteristics and why you should consume this type of healthy fats.

Are vegetable fats better than animal fats?

food rich in vegetable fats

Determining whether different types of fats are healthy or not is a complex question that cannot be easily answered with a simple yes or no. The healthiness of fats depends on their source. For example, animal fats such as those Found in oily fish, they are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial for the body.. On the other hand, the saturated fats present in aged cheese, eggs and yogurt are also considered healthy.

On the contrary, fats derived from sausages, margarines and oils used in industrial pastries are not considered beneficial to health and, in fact, may have adverse effects.

The composition of the general diet will also influence, specifically the amount of fat present. Therefore, It is advisable to give preference to monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats.

New research indicates that switching from saturated fats to polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats may have beneficial impacts on cardiovascular health. When talking about fats, it becomes evident that achieving a balance between animal and vegetable fats is crucial, as well as prioritizing certain foods over others.

Foods rich in healthy vegetable fats


Including foods rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in your diet can be very beneficial for your health. Omega-3 and omega-6 are two crucial types of polyunsaturated fatty acids that play an important role in our dietary fat intake. These essential fats are particularly important for children as they contribute to their overall physical and functional growth and, At the same time, they reduce the likelihood of developing cardiovascular diseases in the future.

Omega-3 can be found in a variety of food sources, including plant-based options such as walnuts, chia seeds and flax, as well as animal-based options, particularly oily fish such as tuna, trout, salmon, sardines and the anchovies. On the contrary, Omega-6 is abundant in vegetable oils such as soy, sunflower and corn, as well as in certain meats and sausages.


Olives not only help regulate cholesterol, but also fight constipation, promote intestinal regularity, stimulate the immune system and are an ideal option for people with anemia.


Walnuts have the potential to claim the title of nut with the highest omega-3 content, as well as walnut oil. For this reason, walnuts have long been considered beneficial for heart health. However, its benefits extend beyond this aspect. Walnuts also offer a rich contribution of protein, fiber, antioxidants, vitamin B and minerals such as copper, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc, in higher concentrations.


When it comes to polyunsaturated fatty acids, walnuts, almonds, and hazelnuts are the top three nuts. Among them, hazelnuts stand out for their carbohydrate content, which makes them an excellent source of quick energy.


From a nutritional point of view, Almonds stand out as the top nut. They contain a variety of beneficial elements, such as plant sterols, which effectively reduce cholesterol levels in the body. Additionally, almonds are rich in magnesium, high-quality protein, zinc, selenium, iodine, potassium, fiber, omega-3, vitamin E and carotenoids, all of which contribute to their antioxidant properties.

Chia seeds

Chia reigns in the field of vegan nutrition, as it has notable power as a food source and offers a solid combination of proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, omega-3, iron, calcium and vitamin B. In addition, its exceptional digestibility makes it in a versatile substitute for eggs.

One way to incorporate this nutritious superfood into your meals is combining chia seeds with yogurt. For example, you can create a delicious chia pudding with yogurt and fruit. In addition, chia seeds can be used to make cakes, bread or even added to vegetable creams to give it a tasty touch. Another great option is to include flax seeds in your diet.


best vegetable fat

Avocado's fame as a trendy food in various diets can be attributed to its abundance of healthy fats. Avocado is not only a very versatile ingredient in the kitchen, but it also has a rich supply of essential nutrients and vitamins. One of its most notable characteristics is its abundant concentration of oleic acid, a monounsaturated fatty acid ideal for reducing levels of harmful cholesterol.

Soy oil

It contains a higher amount of omega-6 fatty acids compared to omega-3 fatty acids. To maintain a healthy balance, it is recommended to incorporate foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids. This will help achieve an optimal ratio between the component that triggers inflammation (omega-6) and the component that promotes an anti-inflammatory response (omega-3).

Sunflower oil

Since more than 50% of its composition consists of omega-6 linoleic acid, sunflower oil is often overshadowed by its more popular counterpart, olive oil. However, this oil deserves recognition for its ability to reduce cholesterol levels, improve the immune system and serve as a valuable addition to our daily diet. It is important to incorporate sunflower oil into our meals, since our body is not capable of producing this essential nutrient independently.

Sesame oil

Sesame oil is widely recognized in the field of traditional medicine and cosmetics for its properties. Multifunctional as a facial cleanser, exfoliant and moisturizer.

In addition to its various applications, this vegetable oil offers important health benefits, such as reducing cholesterol, inflammation, osteoarthritis, menstrual pain, improving memory and combating the signs of aging.

I hope that with this information you can learn more about foods rich in vegetable fats and their health benefits.