Home remedies for itching in intimate areas

vaginal itching

It is not uncommon for women to experience vaginal infections at some point in their lives. These infections can be caused by various factors such as bacterial intrusion, intestinal parasites, fungal growth or even a deficiency of certain vitamins. Vaginal itching is the most prominent symptom of this infection. It is accompanied by persistent discomfort and irritation in the affected area, which can be quite uncomfortable. There are various home remedies for itching in intimate areas.

If you want to know more about home remedies for itching in intimate areas, this is your post.

Home remedies for itching in intimate areas

home remedies for itching in intimate areas

Natural yogurt

As long as you have already sought medical attention and have identified the root cause of your vaginal itching, there are several home remedies that you can use to relieve discomfort in your intimate area. However, It is important to note that these remedies should be used in conjunction with the pharmaceutical treatment prescribed by your doctor.

The initial suggestion is to incorporate yogurt into the diet. This probiotic dairy product is rich in beneficial bacteria and contains antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties that can help alleviate discomforts such as itching and burning. In fact, Yogurt is a recognized natural remedy for yeast infection due to its documented effectiveness.

If you plan to use plain yogurt to relieve itching in your intimate areas, there are specific steps you should follow. These steps include:

Once you have washed your hands thoroughly with soap and water, there are two ways to apply the yogurt: you can spread it over the affected area or you can dip a tampon in the yogurt and insert it into the vagina.

  • For optimal results, it is recommended to let the medication take effect for up to two hours, although you may experience some relief shortly after ingestion.
  • After using a tampon, you need to remove it and clean the vaginal area thoroughly with warm or cold water and a soap designed for use in this area. It is also recommended to use a soap with a neutral pH to ensure the complete removal of all traces.
  • For optimal results, it is recommended to use this treatment twice a day until the aggravating symptom disappears.

Sage infusion

To make a sage infusion, simply steep a handful of fresh or dried sage leaves in boiling water for several minutes before straining and enjoying. The Sage infusion is known for its antibiotic, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, which makes it an excellent remedy for this uncomfortable sensation. To use sage as a remedy for itching in intimate areas, follow these instructions:

  • To create an infusion or tea with sage leaves, simply boil a small amount of water and add the leaves, letting them steep for about 10 minutes.
  • After soaking the leaves in liquid, they need to be strained to achieve a smooth consistency. Once this is achieved, let the liquid cool to the desired temperature.
  • Once the infusion has cooled, it is recommended to clean the vagina twice a day for several minutes. This can be done through irrigation or by taking a sitz bath. If you choose to take a bath, it is recommended prepare between 1 and 2 liters of the infusion to comfortably pour into the water.

Garlic as a home remedy for itching in intimate areas

garlic to remove vaginal itching

Garlic has powerful antibiotic properties that are effective in combating a wide spectrum of bacteria and fungi. To relieve vaginal itching using garlic, follow these steps:

  • You must take three cloves of garlic, remove the outer layer and use a tool such as a garlic press to break them into small pieces.
  • To prepare them, let the ingredients boil for 10 minutes before straining the liquid.
  • After the mixture has cooled to a comfortable temperature, use it to cleanse the vaginal region once a day for a week.

Tea tree essential oil

It is known to have numerous benefits, such as its ability to act as a natural antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and antifungal agent. Tea tree oil has been widely used in the field of aromatherapy due to its refreshing and calming aroma. Besides, It has been found to be effective in treating various skin conditions such as acne and eczema.

Tea tree essential oil is a well-known natural remedy for preventing and fighting bacterial and fungal infections due to its exceptional anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antibacterial and antiseptic properties. This remedy can be used by washing vaginally with a solution of water and tea tree essential oil.

To create this solution, combine one liter of warm water with ten drops of the specified oil. To relieve any discomfort in a specific area, simply pour the mixture over the affected part or create a sitz bath by diluting the tea tree in the same proportion. A possible solution is to moisten a cloth or compress with the aforementioned mixture and gently apply it to the affected and itchy area.

Mint pennyroyal

home remedies for itching in intimate areas

This particular plant possesses a powerful antiseptic property, making it a viable solution for vaginal itching. If you are thinking of using pennyroyal infusion as a home remedy for vaginal itching and burning, take note of the following instructions:

  • To prepare this remedy, Simply heat water to a boil and add 30 grams of pennyroyal herb to the water. Let the herb sit in hot water for the desired amount of time before using the infusion accordingly.
  • It is recommended to separate the leaves from the liquid by pouring the mixture through a strainer.
  • Once the solution has reached a colder temperature, it is recommended to do vaginal washes twice a day. This can be done using a pennyroyal-infused water solution or using a moistened gauze or compress. It is advisable to apply pennyroyal gently to the affected area.

Sitz bath with chamomile

Taking a sitz bath with chamomile infusion is a beneficial remedy for various health problems. This includes soothing sore muscles, reducing inflammation, and promoting relaxation.

When it comes to soothing itching in intimate areas, chamomile proves to be a very effective remedy. It has soothing, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties that provide relief. Preparing a sitz bath with chamomile is the recommended method to wash the intimate area. Follow these steps to create the sitz bath:

  • To prepare a chamomile infusion, you will need chamomile leaves and flowers. Measure one tablespoon of chamomile per 200 ml of water. Let the mixture boil for 5 to 10 minutes.
  • After the infusion has steeped for the desired amount of time, it is important to separate the liquid from the remaining plant material. This can be achieved by straining the infusion through a fine mesh strainer or cheesecloth. Once this process is complete, let the infusion cool to a comfortable temperature before consuming it.
  • To use the infusion, It can be added to a small amount of warm water in a bathtub or to a bucket or basin filled with water.
  • Sit in the water so that your intimate area is completely submerged. Stay in this position for at least 15 to 20 minutes.
  • It is recommended not to rinse or dry the area directly. It is advisable to wait a minimum of several hours before washing thoroughly.

I hope that with this information you can learn more about home remedies for itching in intimate areas.